kW to mA Ah to Wh mWh to mAh Other Conversions

Convert Amps (A) to Milliamps (mA)

To convert Amps (A) to Milliamps (mA), you need to multiply the number of Amps by 1000:
1A = 1000mA.
Enter your number of Amps (A) below to obtain the corresponding Milliamps (mA):
A =
For example, if you have 2.3 A, then the number of Milliamps is (1000)*(2.3) = (2300) mA.

Convert Milliamps (mA) to Amps (A)

To convert Milliamps (mA) to Amps (A), you need to divide the number of Milliamps by 1000:
1mA = 0.001A.
Enter the Milliamps (mA) below to obtain the corresponding Amps (A):
mA =
For example, if you have 2200 mA, then the number of Amps is (2200)/(1000) = (2.2) A.