Convert Ah to mAh (Amp-hours to Milliamp-hours)

To convert Ah to mAh, you need to multiply the number of Ah by 1000:
Fill in this box with your Ah and click on Calculate to obtain mAh:
The formula is (Ah)*(1000) = (mAh). For example, if you have 2 Ah, then the number of Milliamp-hours is (1000)*(2) = (2000) mAh.

Convert mAh to Ah (Milliamp-hours to Amp-hours)

To convert mAh to Ah, you need to divide the number of mAh by 1000:
Fill in this box with your mAh and click on Calculate to obtain Ah:
The formula is (mAh)/(1000) = (Ah). For example, if you have 2000 mAh, then the number of Ah is (2000)/(1000) = (2) Ah.

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